Importance of Mobile Apps for Ecommerce Industry

Ecommerce is one of the biggest revelations of 21st century. This technology has played an important role in enhancing customer experience and providing the customers with the power to purchase anything from the convenience of their home. It has witnessed immense success in the developed countries but has lagged behind in the developing countries. This mainly because very few people in the developing countries own a computer, internet is not easily accessible; most of the population relies on smartphones for computing tasks.

It is important for any business to evolve their business according to their customer’s needs to achieve success in the market. Developing countries have great potential for eCommerce market. Most of the world’s population is residing in the developing countries which makes it necessary for any global business to give priority to the needs of the customer base in the developing nations.

Possibilities to explore for an e-commerce business through mobile application

Most of the population in the developing nations possesses a smart phone as a computing device. This is because the smartphones are cheaper and portable plus they serve computing and calling purposes at the same time. The low per capita income in the developing nations is the reason why ecommerce has not been so popular in the developing nations. But recent trends have shown that the ecommerce businesses that also allow user to buy items through mobile applications are gaining a lot of popularity across the globe.


Factors responsible for the rise of ecommerce mobile applications

There are other factors too that are responsible for this sudden rise in popularity of these businesses but availability of mobile applications is the most prominent one. By making a mobile application available for ecommerce, a business opens up a lot of options. Here are a few notable points concerned with mobile applications for ecommerce:

The ecommerce business is accessible to the user at all places and all the time.

Mobile devices are portable. The hottest time when a user is convinced to buy a product through e-commerce is when he/she is present at a marketplace and is not able to find what they need. Thus having access to ecommerce results in confirmed sale from the user.

Mobile devices considered to be personal gadgets and which can help a company monitor the interest of every individual customer and deliver them an exceptional experience by pitching them the items that they like.

Mobile devices are usually present with the users all the time. Thus any notifications from the ecommerce company have much more chances to be noticed by the user through a mobile application.


Thus it is clear that to expand the business to developing nations and acquiring the largest global customer base present in the developing nations, mobile applications for ecommerce business is a must have for every business that uses ecommerce. Ecommerce has a lot of potential and with the introduction of mobile application for an online business; the interaction between a customer and the company becomes much smoother.

M-Commerce tends to be more robust and allow the company to offer a better overall experience to the customers. Thus a company that uses the power of ecommerce for engaging its customers must look to allow customers to buy items through a mobile application for acquiring a large chunk of global customer base and potentially dominate the global industry.